
The Shades - Time For Change / Shake It

The Shades - Time For Change / Shake It (Direct Hit / 1980 US)

フロリダのNeo Modsバンド「The Shades」の7インチ。
この間「Liner Descent」をアップしてから、アメリカのNeo Modsって何かなぁ〜と思って、色々聴いてて良かった1枚。
A面「Time For Change」を聴くと、JamあたりのUK Neo Modsを感じますが、B面「Shake It」を聴くとしっかりWhoなんかの60'sを感じます。Voxxレーベルのバンドが演りそうな曲ですね。

Here's great US neo mods records.
"The Shades" was a three piece band,formed in Frolida.
This single were released on Dennis's Direct Hit record(1,000 copies).
"Time For Change" is a great 1978's UK neo mods tune,Rickenbacker guitar sound & Three-Piece sound.
I feel Paul Weller's Jam.
"Shake It" is The Who's influence,because 60's garage sound & Keith Moon's drumming.

Band members were:
Guy Silvestro (drums/vocals)
Dennis Dalcin (vocals/guitar)
Ed Siersema (Bass/vocals)

Time For Change

Shake It

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